Privacy Policy


The Building Owners and Managers Association of BC (BOMA BC) is committed to protecting the privacy of our members, partners, and visitors. This policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your personal information in accordance with the Canadian Standards Association’s Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information. This policy applies to members and other individuals who provide personal information to BOMA BC directly and through the BOMA BC website.

1. Accountability

BOMA BC is responsible for the personal information under its control. BOMA BC has designated BOMA BC’s President as our Privacy Officer, who is accountable for our compliance with this policy and applicable privacy laws. Questions, concerns or complaints about this policy may be directed to the Privacy Officer at:

2200 – 555
West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC
V6B 4N6
Tel: 604.684.3916

At times, the Privacy Officer may designate other individuals to act on their behalf.

2. Identifying Purposes

BOMA BC collects personal information to provide and improve our services, communicate with our members, and comply with legal requirements. The purposes for which personal information is collected will be identified before or at the time of collection. Personal information may be disclosed to third parties for the fulfillment of any of the purposes identified above, or as otherwise permitted or required by law. If BOMA BC intends to disclose your personal information for other purposes, we will seek your consent.

Where personal information is disclosed to third parties for the fulfillment of any purposes identified above, BOMA BC makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the third party has appropriate security procedures in place for the protection of the personal information being transferred.

3. Consent

BOMA BC will obtain your consent before collecting, using, or disclosing your personal information, except where required or permitted by law. Consent can be provided in various forms, including written, electronic, or verbal agreement.

You may refuse or withdraw consent at any time, subject to legal and contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. Your refusal to provide or withdraw consent may impact our ability to provide services to you. For example, if you are a member, your decision to withhold or withdraw information may impact your ability to meet BOMA BC’s membership requirements.

You may refuse or withdraw your consent by contacting us. Our staff will explain your options and any consequences of refusing or withdrawing consent and will record your choices.

4. Limiting Collection

BOMA BC will only collect personal information that is necessary for the purposes identified. Information will be collected by fair and lawful means.

5. Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention

Personal information will only be used or disclosed for the purposes for which it was collected, unless you have consented otherwise or as required by law. BOMA BC will retain personal information only as long as necessary to fulfill those purposes.

6. Accuracy

BOMA BC will make reasonable efforts to ensure that personal information is accurate, complete, and up to date as necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used. If you find any inaccuracies in our information, please inform us and we will make the appropriate corrections promptly. In some cases, BOMA BC relies on you to ensure that certain information about you, such as your mailing address and telephone number, is current, complete, and accurate.

7. Safeguards

BOMA BC will protect personal information with appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification. These measures include physical, organizational, and technological safeguards.

8. Openness

BOMA BC will make information about our privacy policies and practices readily available to individuals. This includes providing contact information for our Privacy Officer.

9. Individual Access

Upon request, BOMA BC will inform you of the existence, use, and disclosure of your personal information and provide access to that information. You have the right to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.

10. Challenging Compliance

You may address any concerns regarding our compliance with this policy to our Privacy Officer.