About BOMA

BOMA BC (Building Owners and Managers Association of BC) is a not-for-profit association dedicated to the commercial buildings industry. We provide our members with exceptional networking opportunities, webinars, industry news and reports. We successfully advocate on the industry's behalf on government policy, regulations and taxation, and have saved the industry millions of dollars.


We are the principal voice for the commercial real estate industry, providing strong leadership, knowledge, networking, and advocacy.



We foster a favourable business environment for the commercial real estate industry and deliver valued services for our members.



1.    Advocacy

BOMA BC will build on its capabilities in advocacy by continuing to consult, engage and serve members across BC, representing them on issues that matter to the provincial and municipal governments, the public and other key stakeholders.

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2.      Education, Information and Resources

BOMA BC will create rich learning opportunities to meet the diverse needs of members and stakeholders from across the commercial real estate industry, leveraging technology to foster engagement and to enhance the learning experience for members.

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3.      Member Programs and Services

BOMA BC will offer a robust suite of programs and services that include offerings for all member groups, proactively supporting members and their businesses by addressing their evolving needs, issues and priorities.

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4.      Events and Networking

BOMA BC will provide events and networking opportunities that are inclusive to a variety of members, emphasizing increased accessibility to members located outside of Greater Vancouver.

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5.      Member Engagement

BOMA BC will engage in thoughtful, two-way communication with members, leveraging relevant tools and platforms to keep members informed, and to foster engagement with members.

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